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Minutes - December 2017



DECEMBER 6, 2017

Present: Prascilla Crook, Aimee Williams, Jacllyn Wintle, Heather Woodland, Chris Earnest, Susan Roane, Melissa Waters, Angie Francom, and Emily DeVries

Conducted by:

Ms. Earnest explained procedures on Orion’s procedure for getting a pre-arranged absence before a long vacation.

  • Ms. Wintle suggested that it is good for parents to stay in contact with teachers during the absence to see if there are additional assignments that their students can be working on.
  • Ms. Francom stated that some teachers are more willing to give kids homework in advance than others.

2nd quarter statistics for Orion Junior High

Ms. Ernest went over the number of students in each grade that currently had an F in a class.

(See attached data)

  • These statistics can change quickly.
  • The question was asked if some of these F grades are because a student missed a day and has already gotten the grade up.


Days missed 1503 so far this year

How we are helping struggling students at Orion:

  • We are looking at having Titan Time 4 days instead of 2 next year.
  • Titans Tutors are going on right now
  1. Tuesdays: 9th grade Honor Society students help struggling 7th graders
  2. Fridays: 9th grade honor Society Students help students who are struggling in Math
  • We are trying to get students more interested in using the ALEX program
  1. ALEX helps students work on a math concept as you go until it is mastered
  2. Math assignments will be tied into ALEX next year, this will help insure student’s use of this program.

Working Lunch        

  • Working lunch is for students who are struggling on their assignments in their classes.
  • We are working on hiring a Student Advocate who will help in Math only.

Student Adoption

  • Every teacher, secretary/Aide, and principal have picked a student to mentor.
  • We are hoping this helps to fill the gaps in our student’s lives through this program.
  • Some teachers asked if they could pick 2 or 3 students.
  • There is a form that will be filled out as this goes forward so we can track data.

Incidents at Orion

See attachment

How we are addressing these Incidents at Orion:

  • We are going to start adding character education activities for students
  1. We will pick a monthly theme that the kids work on
  2. We are hoping this will help the kids feel more pride in our school
  • Better Parent notification by teachers
  • Home visits, postcards mailed home, policy and procedures publicized better

Class Registration for next year:

District stand: keep CCA, Health, and P.E. as required classes

Digital Literacy will be an elective class

Sharp Survey: Student health and risk prevention

  • We are pretty low on our averages at Orion
  • There are some areas that we are especially concerned about
  • We need to be watchful of these areas as a school and community to try to lower these numbers.
  • The statistic that concerns Ms. Earnest is that the students who admitted to using alcohol are saying that they are using it with their parents or at least with their permission knowledge.
  • The question was asked, do you think some of these kids are lying in their answers.
  • There are questions that help identify these students who are answering these questions untruthfully.
  • Mrs. Roane feels like the statistics on the Sharp Survey are pretty accurate.

The question was asked: How will we combat these issues?

  • Develop open relationships where students feel comfortable talking to their parents about these issues.
  • Parents and their students talk about their day and what they are doing.
  • Eat together as a family.
  • Encourage students to realize that these things are against the law and should not be done, and to encourage their friends to stay away from these things.

Counselor Duties:

Susan Roane showed a video that explained the duties of a counselor at a school.

Orion Counseling department are hoping to have every student do the survey that is on their homepage to help our counselors be more aware of issues so they can address these concerns.

Time was turned over to the council for questions:

  1. What is the cell phone policy for the school?

Some teachers allow students to use phones for assignments during class.  If they are not using phones for assignments, phones are supposed to be out of sight and turned off or on silent.

  1. Could we lower the time that kids are allowed to use their phones while they are at school?
  • Parents expect their kids to be allowed to at least have their phones with them.
  • Parents need to be educated on the cell phone policy here at the school
  • Sometimes messages need to be sent to students by taking the phones and requiring parents to come get them.
  1. What are the other options you are offering students who are non-attender at Orion?
  • Weber online
  • K-8
  • Charter Schools
  • Home Hospital
  • We are hoping students and parents will give us a chance to work with the students by attending school and educating us on the problems they are having.

Next meeting on February 7, 2017