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Minutes - December 2018

DECEMBER 5, 2018

Present: Pricilla Crook, Emilee DeVries, David Sowby, Jaclyn Wintle, Matthew Patterson, Detra Berger,
David Joy, Jan Forsberg, Angie Francom, Heather Woodland, Susan Roane, and Jennie Taylor

Welcome and roll call by Mr. Patterson
Minutes were read and accepted by all present

Principals Report
There were 7% of Orion students who received an F in a class for 1 st quarter
Sage scores were gone over by Mr. Patterson
Female students, at Orion, performed better on their sage scores than males in English, Math,
and Science

How do we change the way we view these test score assessments?
a. Kids may opt out or feel the test doesn’t matter.
b. This year’s test will be called Aspire and be given during April and May
c. The new test will be a timed test and be a preparatory to how well they will do on the ACT test.
d. Students test scores should raise as they advance in grade level
e. A question was raised as to how we can change the culture of this test and its scores importance.
f. Mr. Patterson would like to start changing this culture thought by having teachers give tests and assignments to help prepare students for the test as they go through the year.
g. We also need help parents and students understand that the data from these tests will not be sold or published outside of the school setting and the benefits of the test.

We are adding a Student Art, Culture and Humanities Center at Orion
a. There will be a Latino’s in action club started that will be able to use this lab.
b. Students will be able to use this lab to communicate with students around the world

Our leadership team are working on attaching a point system to Titan Time so that students will attend the requested teacher’s class to receive help. This will also help prevent student disruption in Titan Time classes so that there is more of an environment where students can learn.  
The question was asked of how teachers feel about the student’s success during Titan Time.
a. Data collected from teachers show they feel an overall success.

Would Titan Time be more productive in the morning than it is in the afternoon?
a. Would be more alert and ready to learn

b. Some students like Titan Time at the end of the day because they have seen every teacher and know what help they need on their assignments.

Current Trustland Budget was gone over
Some areas that we have surplus are:
a. Chromebook cost: We don’t need these because Orion is a one to one school
b. In the future, there will be a cost of approximately $35,000.00 each year for chrome books. The district will pay for this cost this year.

Question: Are there areas at the school that will benefit by this surplus money?

1. Overhead cameras-cost $1200.00 installed (cost of 10 would be $12,000.00)
a. What maintenance would be involved on these cameras? Little to none
b. What is the life of the camera? 10 years
c. 10 of these cameras would provide a camera for all science and CTE and one art class.
1. Extra Science Lab Supplies-$5000.00

2. After School Tutoring-$1000.00
a. 3 hours per week (Teachers would be paid at a summer rate which is about $25.00 per hour)
b. Could English class students also benefit from this after school tutoring?
c. Are NJHS members still doing tutoring during Titan Time? Yes, they are, and it is working well for students who attend.
d. Could teachers record themselves, on a web cam, giving instructions that students can re-listen to later if they have questions?

3. An Additional Student Advocate-$7800.00
a. This would be a 5.75 hour position
b. The advocate would work directly with students to help them with grades and attendance.
c. This new advocate would focus on them 100% of students to help them reach higher to prepare for the future. They will help all students have a better understanding and direction to succeed and prepare for the future.

1 to 1 Technology Supplies and Replacement-$1000.00
a. This cost would cover replacement of chargers
b. Issues with broken chrome books

Detra Berger made a motion to accept the above proposals to the Trustland budget
Jenni Taylor Second the motion
All present were in favor of this motion
A motion to adjourn was made by Angie Francom
Second was by Pricilla
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.