Minutes - February 2022
FEBRUARY 9, 2022
Attendance: Ashley Marks, Jll Rampage, Randy Allred, Susan Roane, Liz Putnam, Cami Pollard, Brittny Mcconkie, Crystal Woolsey and Matt Patterson
A call was made to approve the minutes from our last meeting
Crystal Woolsey made a motion to approve the minutes
Liz Putnam second the motion
Principals Report:
Student attendance numbers were discussed
Celebrations: Volleyball team won district championship, Boys Basketball team went to playoffs
After school activities have many students participating in these activities
Counseling Report: Susan Roane
- Weber school district does an Interim review every 3 years. The Utah State board of education performs a review every 6 years.
A, In the last review our counseling department was asked to add a Latinos in Action (LIA) club.
B. This club has been added to the school and is thriving.
- Another recommendation was to help more students apply for Project Lead the Way.
We have had more students enroll in this program than any other school in the Weber School District.
3. Another suggestion was to help students with coping strategies.
- Counselors are in the classrooms often trying to help students find coping strategies.
- Students are allowed to come into the Counseling center any time they need to.
- The suggestion was made to help the students realize that stress can be a positive thing.
4. 7th Grade registration was held at Orion rather than at each individual elementary school.
- This was a big success
- Students were able to talk to teachers with questions they had about class options and tour the school.
Trustland Report
- The funds spent on library books are very beneficial.
- Orion has more books checked out than all schools in the district combined
- Library is set up not by title but genre
2. Alex licenses have been very helpful for our math department
3 CFA days for teachers have been very successful.
- We will spend about $16,000.00 on professional development
4. Student Advocates
- We have 4 advocates who are so helpful to our students at Orion
- Mr. Patterson would like to have 4 full time student advocates who would support students, teachers, and administration.
5. After school tutoring is going well and students are taking advantage of this opportunity to get extra help from their teachers.
Mr Patterson shared data from Orion Rise test scores
- The question was asked as to why test scores seem to be lower than in the past
- Mr Patterson explained that although the scores are lower, students weren’t able to take the test in spring of 2020 because of the Covid Pandemic. With this in mind our scores, although we are working to bring them up, are in a good place.
ELA test scores were discussed
- Orion did well compared to other schools in the district
- The question was asked as to why the scores are at 40. Mr. Patterson indicated that we want to use this data to evaluate where students are and what areas we can focus on to best help students succeed.
- We are looking at using our reading time to not just read novels, but articles, graphs etc.
- Orion can celebrate that our students didn’t lose a lot of ground with the covid pandemic.
- Mr. Patterson indicated that we aren’t in survival mode, but thrive mode. We are moving past covid and helping our teachers and students thrive.
- We created a rubric so that we can look at social, emotional, and academic areas to help meet our students' needs.
School Trustland daft for 2022-23 school year was discussed
After reviewing the draft for next year, Mr. Patterson asked the members of the council for ideas of other areas they felt had needs that needed met.
1, The question was asked if we could put more money toward Student Advocates.
- Mr. Patterson explained that it is a commitment to move an employee to a full time position because it is almost double the cost, even though it is only 2.25 more hours per day.
- It is also hard to move a full time employee back to part time once they are hired at full time.
A call was made to motion for the meeting to end:
Crystal Woolsey made a motion to close the meeting
Cami Pollard second the motion
Meeting adjourned at 4:35