Mission, Vision, Goals
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower students to succeed!
Our Vision
Our Vision is to empower our school community to achieve a higher level of skills, knowledge and values. Titans get better together!
We Believe That...
each child can learn.
each child is important and unique.
there is a direct relationship between expectations and achievement.
everyone has the right to feel physically and emotionally safe at school.
integrity and trust are essential to positive interaction.
communication is essential for understanding; understanding is essential for communication.
diversity strengthens the individual, the school, and the community.
the family should be the primary influence on individual and social well-being.
a well-trained, professional teacher is the most important resource in a child-centered classroom environment.
the support staff is an integral and essential component of the school system.
education is a shared responsibility of the student, parents, educators, and the community.
people support, value, and respect what they help to create.
planning, both long and short term is essential to maximize available resources.
We envision a school where each person has a name, a face, a voice, and a purpose.
School should be a place where:
People want to come
Everyone can succeed
Students reach their highest potential
Students create meaningful products
Strategic Plan Goals
Goal 1
Safe & Engaging Environment: Ensuring all students are engaged and connected to their school, peers, and community in a safe and secure educational setting
School-wide Safety
Ensure Best-practice Safety Response Program, Implement Reporting and Training Criteria, and Identify Improvements to Support Student, Staff, and Patron Safety
Student Engagement Program Enhancement
Identification and Development of Programs to Improve Student Engagement and Involvement With Their School and Their Peers.
Coordinated Support for Latino Students and Families
Development of the Student Arts Culture and Humanities Center
Goal 2
Social & Emotional Needs: Implementing high-quality behavioral models and interventions to support the social and emotional needs of all students
School Wide Behavioral Support Model Development
Development and Implementation of Titan Tags and Character Education
District-wide Behavioral Coaching & Support
Development of a School-wide Behavioral Support Program Involving Student Lead Groups
Goal 3
Aligned and Purposeful Programs of Support: Ensuring programs and systems that support a comprehensive, consistent, responsive, and empowering learning environment for all students
Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum
Comprehensive Curriculum Aligned to the Utah State Core
Educational Pathways
Technology Systems Alignment
Continual Technology Program Development and Implementation
Targeted One to One Chromebook Support and Training for Students and Teachers
Education Programs
Highly Capable / Special Education Program Support and Weekly Coordination
Continuous Focus on %100 of the Student Body Success
Student Driven and Supported Clubs, Groups and Activities
Enhancing Post-Secondary Culture
Expanding Partnerships With Community, Business, and Outside Resources to Engage and Support Students With Their Post-secondary Options
Identification and Development of Relevant Career Pathways and Connections to Industry
Goal 4
High Quality Instruction: We deliver high quality instruction through leadership, modeling, advocacy, collaboration (PLC's). PLC’s meet to analyze student data, are encouraged to take risks, share success/failures, explore new practices in order to improve student learning. We will continue to focus on research-based technology integration.
Shared Organizational Leadership
Development and Support for School-based Instructional Leadership Teams
Continual and Targeted Evaluation of Programs Success
Training and Support of Teacher Lead Technology Integration
Support for Best-practice Instructional Strategies
Identification, Training and Implementation of Best-practice Instructional Strategies
Climate of Collaboration and Reflection
Growing a Productive Climate of Collaboration (PLC's)
Meet Weekly With Time To Reflect
Identify Common Goals and Desired Outcomes