School Policies
According to Utah State Law and School Board Policy: “The student is responsible to be present in class and the parent, guardian, or other person having control of any such minor between six and eighteen years of age shall be required to send such minor to school during the regularly established school day in the attendance area of residence.” Students are expected to be at school in each class each day unless properly excused by their parents, administrations, advisor, or teacher. A student not properly excused will be considered truant.
Truancies will result in a drop in citizenship in the missed classes, and may be:
1. Referred to the Administration
2. Suspended and/or referred to the District Office
Parents may excuse students for illness and/or family emergencies. When parents request to have their children excused for reasons other than illness or family emergencies, arrangements for such absences should be made in advance.
When your student is absent from school, a phone call to the school (801-452-4700) by you (the parent or guardian) will excuse the student for that day. When no phone contact is made it is required that your student bring a written excuse from their parent or guardian to the main office first thing in the morning on the day of their return. Absences not properly excused will be considered truant.
Tardies: In order to optimize the opportunity students have for an education at Orion Junior High School, we feel that it is extremely important for students to be in class on time. Punctuality is a very important life skill and students need to begin developing this skill by making every effort to be on time, ready to begin when the bell rings.
Consistent tardiness will result in the following consequence:
Number of tardies: Action taken:
3 per quarter “N” in citizenship is earned
4 per quarter Parents notified that a “U” citizenship grade will be given for 5 tardies
5 per quarter “U” in citizenship is earned
6+ per quarter Referral to administration
Checking in and out of school: Sometimes doctor appointments, dentist appointments, and family emergencies, etc. cause a student to arrive late or leave early from school. When arriving late, the procedure is a phone call to the attendance secretary (801-452-4701) or a note from the parent/guardian presented to the attendance secretary in the main office. When leaving early, only a parent or legal guardian will be allowed to excuse students. The parent or legal guardian can call the school ahead of time to have the student in the office waiting for them. The parent or legal guardian must come into the school and sign their student out. If a student becomes ill or is involved in an accident and the school cannot reach a parent/guardian, we will use the contact person you have designated for such emergencies.
Our annual back to school night is held on one day before school starts. Dates and times will be conveyed through email and the website. This will be organized as an informal open house. Teachers will be in their classrooms for students and parents to meet. Please plan to be with us. There will be a 7th grade orientation that precedes the open house.
Students who wish to attend a school in the Weber School District other than their school of residence must complete and return the proper application form to the requested school December 1st through the third Friday in February prior to the year of registration. Special needs may be reviewed without regard to the general guidelines. Forms are available from the schools or the district office.
Our schedule is extremely tight and class changes are usually very difficult to make. A $10.00 class change fee is assessed unless there is a mistake in the schedule.
In order to ensure student safety, we enforce a closed campus policy. Students are not allowed to leave the campus without parental permission and clearance in the office. Students living close to school may go home for lunch with this permission and clearance providing they can make it back to school in time for the next class.
The Orion Junior High Constitution is the document by which student government functions. Copies of the Constitution may be obtained from the school office.
Credit will be issued each quarter. It is very important to understand that each quarter stands alone. Therefore, every lost credit needs to be made-up. All ninth grade credit earned becomes high school credit and is used for high school graduation as well as scholarship applications. Any ninth grade credit loss should be made up during summer school, in after-school classes, or at the future high school. Graduation may be in jeopardy if this credit is not made up during summer school or after-school classes.
A dance is different than the stomps we hold right after school so we are reminding you of the policies of school dances:
Only current Orion 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students, who meet specific academic and citizenship requirements, may attend a dance at Orion Junior High.
Dance entry costs will be announced beforehand.
The dances will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.
All Students must be picked up no later than 15 minutes following the end of the dance.
Dress code will be strictly enforced. If students arrive at the dance inappropriately dressed they will not be allowed to enter the school.
Students will come in what they consider their best dress.
There will be no moshing or dirty dancing.
Anyone who willfully destroys property through vandalism, arson, larceny, or who tampers with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or any electrical system will be referred to the proper law enforcement agency. Students and parents shall be held responsible for paying for damage to personal or public property.
Student’s cell phones and music devices may only be used before school, after school, during lunch time, or passing time in the halls. They are not to be seen, heard, or used during classroom hours unless prior arrangements have been made with the classroom instructor or school administration. Misused electronic devices will be confiscated and available for parent or guardian pickup in the office. The office phone is available for student use to contact parents as needed. Although the above electronic devices are allowed at school, Orion school personnel will not be held responsible for electronic devices that come up missing. School administration or designee may search digital media devices based on reasonable suspicion that they contain evidence of a violation of school rules or policy. School district policies, State and Federal laws regarding illegal content of electronic devices will be enforced.
In accordance with Utah State Law, the Weber School District Board of Education annually reviews all fees charged students for various activities, classes, yearbooks, etc. This Fee Policy has been published and is now being made available to parents and students.
Fees, as established by the Weber School District Board of Education, will be waived in accordance with the Utah State Board of Education standards for students whose parents or legal guardians verify evidence of inability to pay. Inability to pay is defined as those who are in state custody, foster care, receiving public assistance in the form of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Security Income, or are eligible for free school lunch. Those applying for fee waivers, should fill out the appropriate form, attach required supporting documents, and return it to the school office before or at the time of registration.
Fighting at school or any school function will be cause for administrative intervention and possible suspension.
Effective July 1, 1992, the Utah State Immunization Law mandates that student immunization records must be complete and on file at the time of registration in order for a student to attend school. Principals are asked not to enroll students who are not in compliance. A grace period will no longer be allowed. A person claiming an exemption to immunization shall complete the official Utah School Immunization Record with the required signatures, which must be obtained from the Weber County Health Department and/or the family physician. If you have questions concerning the immunization please contact the school nurse at the district office.
New July 1, 2006, all 7th graders must have 3 doses of Hepatitis B, TD Booster, Varicella or parent signature stating the child has had chickenpox disease. If your child has not received their vaccinations, please contact the Weber County Health Department at 2570 Grant Avenue, Ogden, 801-399-8433, or your local health provider to secure the vaccination. This should be done before entering school.
All students will be sharing lockers. Lockers are the property of Orion Junior High and are checked out to students for their use. They will be checked on a regular basis. Fines will be assessed for damage. Do not tell or show your combination to anyone. A fee will be charged to change locker combinations. Money or other valuables must not be left in lockers. Orion Jr. High is not responsible for stolen items.
We encourage you to become a member of our Parent Teacher Student Association. P.T.S.A. has an impact on issues that benefit your child. There is no better value and it costs only a few dollars a year to be a member. You may join at registration time or at Back to School Night.
Quarter grades and midterms will be emailed directly to parents each quarter at the appropriate time. Grades can also be found on Powerschool.
Weber School District is committed to maintain “safe” school environments that provide to each student equal access to educational opportunities in a setting that is free from drugs, alcohol use, substance abuse, violence associated with weapons or dangerous instruments, sexual harassment, hazing, or assault and discrimination. Prior to the beginning of school you will receive from the Superintendent’s office the current law, board policy, and procedures as approved by the Board of Education. Please review this policy with your student.
Lunches can be purchased daily with cash, paid online through your parent portal account, or they may be prepaid for a term or by the month. Pre-paid lunches may be purchased online as you register your student, in the office during school hours, or in the cafeteria prior to school or during lunch. Please make a separate check for lunch fees if you are paying in the cafeteria. Those applying for free or reduced price meals should fill out the appropriate attached form and return it to the district office. Students will be assigned lunch depending on their 5th period class the first day of school.
Appropriate dress is important to the educational performance and attitude of the students. Orion Jr. High students exhibit pride in their dress and grooming. Students are expected to maintain dress and appearance that is modest and not distracting to students or teachers, and is not detrimental to the educational process of the school. The appearance of any young person is primarily the responsibility of the individual and his/her parents. When a student’s appearance is distracting, disruptive, and immodest or is felt to be detrimental to the education process, reasonable and appropriate action will be taken.
Please review the Uniform Dress Code for the district with your student.
Dressing for success is vitally important at Orion Jr. High. We request your assistance in maintaining a positive and productive environment conducive to learning and education. If a student wears inappropriate clothing, he/she will be addressed in a quiet manner to seek a solution. Admin and staff will seek to help the student find a solution. That may include a warning not to wear the item to school again (depending on the severity of the item), a parent phone call or an offer of a school shirt/sweats. Our goal is simply to create a professional learning environment in which students can thrive.
Parents, if you plan on picking up your student, please do so by 2:40 p.m. All students except those involved with teachers are expected to be off campus by 2:40 p.m. All visitors to the campus must check in at the main office.
The district does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its programs and activities. Furthermore, it is the policy of the Board of Education to provide a free appropriate education to each student with disabilities within its jurisdiction. Our staff is available on request to provide you with any further explanation of these rights as needed. It is the parents’ responsibility to advise the school district of any known needs for a disabled student. Contact the Weber School District Office with any questions or concerns.
The district strictly forbids any of its agents or students to engage in sexual harassment. Please contact the school administration or the district office if you have a complaint of this nature. Every effort will be made to keep the investigation confidential and to bring about a prompt remedy to any problem.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during meetings should notify Orion Junior High administration at least three working days prior to the meeting.
A student shall not intentionally do bodily injury or commit any act that degrades or disgraces any other person. Students in violation are subject to immediate suspension and/or referral to the police.
Parents and students have a right to inspect student education records, the right to request amendments to those records, and that personal information will be disclosed only upon consent.
Students shall not possess any weapon or any object that can be reasonably considered a weapon. The “Safe School” environment of the school will not be compromised. Students found in possession of weapons or who knowingly endanger the safety of another individual shall immediately be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency and suspended from school until a thorough investigation is made. Alternative placement for the student is mandatory until there is satisfactory evidence that the student’s continued attendance will not be dangerous to the students or staff.