Minutes - February 2023
Community Council
Feb 1, 2023
Attendees: Jenni Taylor, Matt Patterson, Michele Arigot, Angie Francom, Brittany McConkie, Ashley Marks, Amanda King, and Kevin Green
Excused; Sara Heileg
Welcome by Matt Patterson
Principal Report:
Celebrations: We are enjoying experiencing a normal school year. Athletics, clubs, and groups are able to meet. Over 500 students are participating in some sort of after school activities. These help students feel connected to community and peers, and are in direct correlation to a positive healthy mental health in our students. They create more successful social health behaviors.
A reminder that cell phones are not allowed in our classroom settings was given, and gratitude was expressed for the parental support of this new policy.
Trustland Budget:
Mr. Patterson went over the current Trustlands Budget. With the current and projected spending, Orion is right on track with the proposed budget.
The question was asked of how we compensate our Club Advisors.
TSSA funds are used for this.
Current Goals for Trustlands plan were discussed.
Draft of Trustlands Goals for next year:
Mr. Patterson read each of the goals for 2023-24 school year and asked the council members to give feedback on any changes they would like to see made on these goals.
- A discussion was held about the benefits the students at Orion are feeling with the support from our student advocates.
The meeting was opened for discussion as to what the members feel is necessary for our students to continue learning. A reminder was given as to the rules and areas allowed to spend Trustland Funds.
Tentative meeting date change for the next Community Council meeting February
28, 2023.
Questions or concerns:
- Students' backpacks are so full, and they still need to carry a novel for reading time. Is there a possibility of students reading books on their chrome books.
- Is there something that can be done to help students get through the lunch line faster?
- Mr. Patterson has been tracking the time a student gets through the line. Typically if the students stick to waiting in line, they will still have at least 10 minutes to eat.
- The principles have been serving lunch when lines get long, which make lines go faster.
- Could buses leave from Orion a few minutes later so that students can get from their last class, to their lockers, and out to the bus before the bus leaves?
A call was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:21 p.m. by Angie Francom
A second was made by Amanda King
Meeting Adjourned at 4:22 p.m