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Minutes - October 2022

Community Council Minutes

October 1, 2022


Present: Matt Patterson, Michele Arigot, Ashley Marks, Jenni Taylor, Angie Francom, Brittnany McConkie, Kevin Green, Sarah Heilig, Amanda King 


Introductions were made


Principal Report: 

  1. New faculty was introduced
  2. Administrative Vision/Report


MTSS Data: This supports students needs and helps us find what additional helps can be added to support students needs.

  1. We can look at students' progress through referrals. 
  2. These referrals will be looked at by our student advocates to see what helps these students need.
  3. Principals and counselors meet once a week to discuss progress.


Cell Phones: The new cell phone policy has helped in the classroom with behavior, learning, attention and progress with this new plan.

  1. Amanda King stated that the consistency has been helpful with this new cell phone plan, because all teachers are on the same page. 
  2. There has been a good culture created across the board.


Classroom Contracts: We realized that there were many erratic behaviors in classrooms. Students were having outbursts in classes. We wanted to put control in the teachers' hands. 

  1. Teacher will contact the parent if there has been a behavior problem.
  2. The contract will state what the teacher will do, student and parent.
  3. Next step will be an admin contract.
  4. If the problem is still not resolved, there is a team who will help come up with a plan of who to help resolve the behavior problem. 
  5. The students are responding really well to this.


Student Self-Tracking: Every Friday students will go to their report and look at their progress. Statistics show that as students track their progress, they do twice as good. 

  1. Parents on the community council committee are seeing success with this
  2. Mr. Patterson said we had 500 F’s at midterms last year, this year there was 130.  This is a huge improvement. We are so excited to see this progress!


School Improvement Goal (PLC’s Focusing on Learning)

  1. Our classroom success is really improving this year. 
  2. We will formulate assessments to continue tracking students' success, needs and improvement.



Goal #1

Continue implementation of a Multiple Tier System of Support (MTTS)

Goal #1 Action Plan

  1. Funding salary for one full time student advocate. Funding for an additional part-time advocate. Funding to make the two part-time advocates paid through Trust lLands to make them full-time. This will allow us to have 4 total advocates. These advocates are valuable to help our students succeed.
  2. Continue to fund options teacher from 5 to 7 class periods to a full-time position, additional MTSS support daily $14,000
  3. Provide teacher stipends for advisors to run each EA, Provide materials/equipment budget to each EA, $10,000
  4. Continue funding of our mental health specialist


ESSR funds are paying for our part time counselor’s salary and incentives for students.


Mr. Patterson went over the current Trustlands Budget for the current school year.

  1. Novels for our English Department
  2. Books for our Media Center
  3. Calculators for Math Department 
  4. Web Team 
  5. ALEKS Licenses (Angie Francom stated the benefits she sees with the ALEKS program)
  6. PLC subs, conferences and travel (this one day of uninterrupted time has been so valuable)
  7. Smart Panels (Orion only has a few teachers who don't have a Smart Panel in their classroom) They are already paying for themself with the progress we are seeing.
  8. Chrome books leases 22-23
  9. Student Advocates salary (a portion of their salary)
  10. After School Tutoring/Mentoring
  11. Technology Supplies and Replacement


Goal #2 Create a school-wide system of learning and growth, by creating a comprehensive, consistent, responsive, engaging and empowering learning environment for all students. 


Mr. Patterson went over the requirements for Community Council, rules of Order and Procedure, Parent Information, Roles of community Council, and asked each member to watch the training videos on their own.

Nominations were opened for our community council 


Jeni Taylor nominated Amanda King as the Community Council President, Ashley Marks Second the motion. All who were present were in favor.


Angie Francom nominated Brittany McConkie as Vice President. Brittany McConkie second the motion. All present voted in favor.


Mr. Patterson opened the meeting up for questions or comments. Many of the committee members stated approval of the way the administration is helping our students and teachers succeed here at Orion. They expressed appreciation for the support that teachers are given on a regular basis. 


Next meeting will be December 7, 2022


Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.