Orion Junior High News--scroll for news
Volleyball Clinic and Tryouts
Volleyball Clinic
October 7-9--Monday and Tuesday 2:45-4:45, Wednesday 1:30-3:30
Cost: $25, pay in office
October 14-15--Monday 2:45-4:45pm, Tuesday 6:15-7:30am
Intramural Boys Basketball
Sign up in the office by September 26th
Captains will be chosen on the 27th and teams picked Sept 30th before school.
Games will be before and after school depending on gym availability starting Oct 1 and continuing through Nov 26.
Cost: $10
FCCLA Opening Social
When: Monday, September 16, 2:30-3:15 in room 502
Who: You! Anyone can come & bring some friends too!
-delicious fall treats
-learn about the club (leadership and competition opportunities)
-make some friends!
(If you like Mrs. Howell’s classes, you’ll like FCCLA!)
HOPE Week September 23rd-27th
Monday: Light up the Night
Tuesday: Weber High community event
Wednesday: PTC
Thursday: Try it Knight @ NOJH
All Week: Lunchtime activities
9th Grade Counts
Fremont and Weber High Schools will present info to all 9th graders on Friday, September 13th during Titan Time (~9:20) in the cafeteria.
M.E.S.A. Opening Social
Fun activities and treats. Room 306
Monday September 9th, after school
NJHS Back to School Social
Bring a potential new NJHS member that has the minimum GPA requirement
September 5th 2:35-3:15 in the library.
Archived News:
Orion Titans Cheerleading Tryouts
OJHS Baseball Camp
Aladdin Jr. Tickets on Sale
10th Grade Registration
9th graders will be traveling to either Weber High or Fremont High on 2/1/24.
Fremont OR Weber High School
Fremont: 8:15am -11:15 am
Weber: 8:45-11:15 am
Students will attend the school they are assigned.
Digital Art Classes
Join our Free Class
Learn from a Disney and Star Wars Artist
Classes consist of character/object instruction, reviews, and gesture drawing.
All skill levels ages 11-adult
Additional live sessions online or at the Springville Summit Center.
Join at SharpenedStylus.com
Penny Wars and Spirit Week
The student government students have created this all on their own and we are so proud of them!
Spirit Week and Penny Wars Video
The student government at Orion has decided to do a fundraiser to help families in our area for the holiday season. We will be starting Penny Wars next week (Nov. 27-Dec. 1).
We will bring you your three cups during 5th period today. Each cup is for a different grade! It is a competition amongst grades.
Please encourage kids to put any loose change into the cups. Please keep the cups in a safe place.
Each day next week the officers will be coming to your classroom during 5th period to collect the coins.
Goal: Have the most at the end of the week.
This is for a great cause and we are hoping that you guys will help us support our school community and get excited about this fundraiser!
Spirit Week
Monday: USA day - wear your USA colors
Lunch Activity: Cornhole
Tuesday: Adam Sandler Day - dress like Adam Sandler (really big clothes)
Lunch Activity: Spin the Wheel
Wednesday: Western Day
Lunch Activity: Music
Thursday: Twin Day - dress like someone else
Lunch Activity: Kendama Tricks
Friday: Dress Like a Teacher/Student
Lunch Activity: Bowling
Orion MESA Winners
Here are the Orion MESA students who won a state MESA contest in the high school category.
It was the Cleopatra's barge contest. They had to design a boat using 12 inches of foil to hold the most pennies.
The first group won second place.
The second group won third place.
Congratulations, Titans!
Aladdin Jr. Auditions
We are excited to announce that our school Spring musical this year will be Disney Aladdin Jr.
Auditions will be Monday, Dec. 11th and Tuesday, Dec. 12th from 2:45 pm-5 pm in room 500.
Students will sign up for a time slot for one of these two days.
Callbacks will be Dec 13th @ 1 pm, room 500.
Auditionaing details and more information will be posted by mid-October.
The show runs March 20th-25th, 2024.
Question: contact Mrs. Fisher,
Unity Day
Unity Day is coming up soon. It will be Wednesday October 18th this year.
This is a day that we celebrate kindness and raise awareness against bullying. This year’s theme is, “United in Kindness to Stop Bullying.”
We will be doing a few simple things to celebrate Unity Day:
First, we encourage all staff and students to wear ORANGE or your "Weber United" shirts on Wednesday the 18th. If students don’t have those, another option would be to wear Orion shirts/hoodies/sweatshirts.
Second, we’d like you to show your Titan Time classes this short video explaining what Unity Day is.
Third, we’d like students to write kind, positive messages to their peers. We will provide a ziplock bag to put the messages in to return to the Counseling Center and then the messages will be put on poster boards to hang in the halls for students to see the messages written. Students should write messages that are uplifting in any way but especially messages that promote kindness and inclusion.
Help Latinos in Action collect shoes for a school in Oaxaca, Mexico
The Latinos in Action is collecting NEW socks and USED shoes to donate to a nonprofit that helps a school and community in Oaxaca Mexico. Many of the students aren't able to attend public schools because they can't afford uniforms, transportation, etc. These children live in extreme poverty and most are not educated past the 4th or 5th grade.
One thing they desperately need are used shoes and new socks for boys and girls ages 3-17.
Please deliver shoes/socks to Mr. Reese in Room 100 or to any member of the Latinos in Action by October 9th.
Hope Week Activities
Mon Oct 2nd:
- Orion Lunchtime Activity--Pass out HOPE bracelets
- Weber Cone--Light Up The Night on Ben Lomond
Tues Oct 3rd:
- Weber Cone--Weber High School Community event
Wed Oct 4th:
- Orion Lunchtime Activity--Pass out SafeUT cards/Lifesavers
Thurs Oct 5th:
- Orion Lunchtime Activity--Giant Jenga with positive coping strategies
Fri Oct 6th:
- Wear purple to represent HOPE!
Weber School District is hiring Special Education Paraeducators & Bus Aides
*Working with Students with disabilities is rewarding.
*On-the-job training & support with a great team.
*Competitive starting wage $18/hour+
Recruitment Event
September 25, 2023
3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Weber School District
5320 Adams Ave. Pkwy
Ogden, UT
Apply Now @ wsd.net/jobs
Join MESA!
Join MESA! (Math Engineering and Science Achievement) It is after school on Mondays.
9th Grade Counts
Weber High School counselors will be here at 7:45 - 8:25 am on Thursday, September 7th to talk to all of the 9th graders about graduation requirements and other opportunities in high school.
This will be held in the cafeteria.
Parents are welcome to attend.
Snack Packs for 1st Responders
Latinos in Actions is helping Mrs. Jennie Taylor from the Major Brent Taylor Foundation to make Snack Packs for First Responders for the 9/11 Remembrance.
Parents, please help your students!!
We need each classroom to collect donations of the following items during their first period:
Gum, Beef Jerky, Granola bars, Candy, Pretzels and chips, Drink Mix, etc. (Pack Individually)
We also have some fantastic prizes to get everyone excited! Get the drums ready!
The winning first-period class will get a donut party courtesy of your fantastic Principal, Mr. Elliott!
We will accept donations from August 29th to September 7th every 5th and 7th period and the morning of September 8th after the second period. We will pack snack packs in the cafeteria (location may vary) on September 8th during the 5th or 7th period.
We will announce the winning class the week of September 11, 2023.
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Mariana @
Cory Greenwood Your Story Matters
Your Story Matters:
Tackling Tough Subjects. Inspiring Healthy Conversations.
Studies show that suicide among youth is at an all-time high. Teens are struggling to find a sense of belonging. Now, more than ever, it is so vitally important to empower and encourage our youth to rise above their current circumstances. Your students will leave this assembly with a renewed self-image and the resilience to handle adversity. They will be empowered to take responsibility for the solution instead of focusing on the problem.
*Suicide is discussed in this program
"He changed the way I look at my life and helped me see how everything I do can impact so many people.” -High School Student
✓ Find a mentor and engage in healthy conversations
✓ Be resilient through adversity & push past limiting beliefs
✓ Focus on solutions instead of dwelling on problems
✓ Appreciate the people in their life
✓ Make positive decisions
Assembly is September 5th in the gym from 1:15-2:25 pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
2023 Orion Softball Clinic
August 9th-11th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
The clinic cost is $25--pay to the office or on the portal.
Softball Tryouts:
Aug 23-24 @12:45-2:45, right after school
Tryouts will be two days long and our first practice will be Friday, Aug. 25th.
Questions? Coach Reagan West
Football Clinics
It's football time. Come join the team!
Training Clinics begin Aug. 1st @ 3 p.m. on the OJHS field.
Tryouts begin Aug 23rd @ 12:45 p.m.
Questions? Coach Deshon
Back to School Open House
Visit with your new teachers and see your classrooms.
Monday, August 21st, 7th Grade Orientation is 4:00-4:30 in the cafeteria and the Open House is from 4:30-6:30 p.m.