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Teacher and Student Success Plan

Teacher and Student Success Plan 2023-2024

School Information
Name of Administrator: Scott Elliott
Name of School: Orion Jr High

Goal # 1
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement

Goal #1:
Continue implementation of a Multiple Tiers of Student Support (MTSS) framework into our school to enhance school climate and support students as measured by these indicators:

a. Reduce the number of school-wide incidents related to student inappropriate behavior by 5% from 2022-2023 to the 2023-2024 school year.
b. Increase the number of students participating in after-school enhancement programs by 5% from 2022-2023 to the 2023-2024 school year.
c. Increase the number of students who respond positively to interventions by 3% each year over the next 4 years.

Goal #1 Action Steps

● Funding salary for one full-time student advocate. Funding for an additional part-time advocate. Funding to make the two part-time advocates paid through Trust Lands to make them full-time. This will allow us to have 4 total advocates (3 full-time, 1 part-time). These advocates will collaborate directly with our counselors, tracking students, and providing support for tracking PBIS intervention data.  $84,000

● Continue to fund options teacher from 5 to 7 class periods to a full-time position, offering 2 additional sections of Options in order to reduce class size and provide additional MTSS support daily.  $14,000

● Provide teacher stipends for advisors to run each Enhancement Activity. Provide materials/equipment budget to each Enhancement Activity.  $10,000

● Continue funding of our mental health specialist to provide behavioral and emotional support to students in Tier 3. $27,000

● Panorama Program  $5000

● Opportunity to allow student leadership groups to attend leadership training.  $15,000

Goal #1 Expenditure Category
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)

School personnel stipends
Professional learning
Additional school employees
Student wellness support
Student leadership development
College and career readiness skills
Before – or after – school programs
Community support programs or partnerships
Early childhood education
Class size reduction strategies

Goal # 1 Measures of Success
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
● Track the number of school-wide incidents related to student inappropriate behavior by 5% over the next year.
● Collect the data on the number of students participating in after-school enhancement programs by 5% over the next year.
● Track the number of students who respond positively to interventions by 3% each year over the next 4 years.


Goal #2
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #2

70% of 7th-9th grade students will be proficient on the end-of-year SLO assessment in each grade/content area.

Goal #2 Action Steps

● Align teachers “Guaranteed Viable Curriculum” (GVC) and learning targets with students growth towards those learning targets by having them track their progress in meeting  targets through digital portfolios. Summer stipends for teachers to work in PLC groups.  $10,000

● Provide opportunities for certified employees to attend professional development sessions and observations of master teachers.  $10,000

● Students will use digital portfolios to track growth and demonstrate progress. $0

● PLC groups will discuss CFA data and will determine appropriate intervention and extension opportunities based on the data. $0

● Student grades will be monitored quarterly and actions determined by the CLT and by individual teachers. $0

● Reduce class size in Math and Science classes by providing funding for 3 teacher buyouts. $36,000

● Technology updates, software and maintenance to increase teachers’ ability to instruct students. $45,000

Goal #2 Expenditure Areas
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)
School personnel stipends
Professional learning
Additional school employees
Student wellness support
Student leadership development
College and career readiness skills
Before – or after – school programs
Community support programs or partnerships
Early childhood education
Class size reduction strategies

Goal # 2 Measures of Success:
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.

We will measure student growth on the end-of-year SLO in each grade/content area.

Do you have a Goal #3
(Please click on the checkbox(es).)


*If no then skip to Proposed Budget
Goal #3
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.
Goal #3
Fill in here

Goal #3 Action Step
Fill in here cost
Fill in here cost
Fill in here cost
Fill in here cost
Fill in here cost
Fill in here cost

Goal #3 Expenditure Areas
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs
or be used for capital expenditures.(Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the
checkmark icon for each applicable category.)
School personnel stipends

Professional learning
Additional school employees
Student wellness support
Student leadership development
College and career readiness skills
Before – or after – school programs
Community support programs or partnerships
Early childhood education
Class size reduction strategies
fill in here

Goal #3 Measures of Success
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
Fill in here

Proposed Budget
Budget Upload

Stakeholder Involvement
Who was involved in developing this plan? (Please click on the checkbox(es) below
and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)
Collaborative Leadership Team
Community Council Members
Support Professionals

Administrator Signature
Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an
electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan
provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals.

Signature : Scott Elliott Date :7/14/23