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Making Bombs for Hitler

Making Bombs for Hitler

Review by Nikolas Larsen

Making Bombs for Hitler, by Marsha Skrypuch, is an awesome book full of adventure and action. If you’re into that, you’ll want to read this book. This is a book on the Nazi invasion. If you’re also interested in wars and book like that, then you have to read this book.

The theme on this book is about courage, helping others, and self-reliance. Lida gets separated from her sister, who is younger than Lida. She is captured by the Nazi’s, and is placed in a camp. This camp provides very little resource, and almost no privileges. She wears a very thin dress, and lives on bread and turnip soup.

Lida is accompanied by some friends. One in particular is Luka. Luka becomes brother-like to Lida. He helps her as much as he can. One day Lida went from working in a nice, warm laundry room, to a place where they would make bombs. Lida has to make bombs for Hitler.

She begins working on bombs. She is a very skilled with hand crafting. Even the slightest wrong move will set off the bomb. She tries to find a way to diffuse the bombs, so they won’t work. Will she succeed in this? Even if she lives through the war, will she ever find her sister again? You should read this book. This book was an amazing experience, and I actually felt like I was there. Make sure you read this book. This author made this book so detailed, you feel like you’re one of the characters.